Changing the way you approach nutrition and reach your goals

How does this sound?

âś“ No more 30 day challenges, intermittent fasting, or carb free diets that truly do not work

âś“ No more being told that you can't eat pasta, drink alcohol, or eat the same food as your kids

âś“ You'll get my exact blueprint and strategies that help my clients reach their goals without spending hours at the gym or food prepping!

This is for you if...

✓ Every time you start a program, things start off strong but crash real quick, real fast. You end up being so good on the weekdays and end up binging on the weekends.

✓ You see other women crushing their goals on social media but somehow, it seems like everyone has a secret to success except for you.

✓ You've already spent so much time and money investing and different programs and supplements and still haven't seen results. You're overwhelmed with all the information out there and you just want to be given a program that actually works.

"This is the first time I feel confident that I can continue to lose the weight and actually keep it off for the long term. I am still amazed that I am actually losing weight while feeling so full. I have gained a new understanding of macros and the role they play in weight loss." - Laurie

Hi 👋🏻 I'm Kaylin, and I began my business in 2020, with a mission to help women tone up, fuel their bodies and reach their goals sustainably through whole food nutrition and strength training. 

I have certifications in NASM and Macro Mentorship and have already helped over 80 women with reaching their goals without spending hours in the gym or eating salads every day!

I always hear so much misinformation online whether it be to do intermittent fasting, or to get Ozempic, or to limit carbs after a certain time, the amount of crazy “tricks and hacks” for weight loss are endless!

This is exactly why I created The KF Method.

I want to work with you to help you transform your health through whole food nutrition and macro tracking to help you reach your goals without jumping on these gimmicky trends that often lead to even bigger consequences.

I know I have a lot of busy moms here who just need to be told what to do and given a plan that actually works not just for 30 days but for their lifetime!

Modules Include:

Week 1: Macros 101 + Macro Phases
Week 2: Build Your Plate to hit your macros
Week 3: Eating Out/Travel/Alcohol
Week 4: How to navigate weight fluctuations,
biofeedback and mindset blockers
Week 5: Aligning your fitness to your goals
Week 6: Reverse Dieting/Nutrition Periodization
Week 7: Finding your maintenance & Reverse
Week 8: Goal Setting & Building a flexible Lifestyle
for the long term

Get the inside scoop!

I go over everything you can expect to see and get inside Fuel Your Body with Macros Mastery!


"I’m honestly so so impressed and in awe of the community and program that she has built here. Understanding how to fuel my body has truly empowered me to take on anything - aging, another pregnancy, you name it." - Emily

I know exactly how you feel right now.. 

Lost and overwhelmed with what to do.. and I know because I was you. 

These photos were from after I had my second daughter, Abigail, in 2021.

Sure I looked happy on the outside.. 

I now have a family of 4, with two beautiful daughters.. 

A husband who is so supportive in every way possible..

Surrounded by family and friends all helping us out and being our support system when we needed help..  

But inside, I was struggling.

Even though my life felt so full, I was hurting inside. 

It was like I couldn’t even recognize my body. 

I hated how I felt with my soft belly and lack of muscle. 

It shouldn’t have been this hard, because I had been here before - right?

My clothes still didn’t fit and I would change 50 times before I couldn’t find a decent outfit to leave the house with.

I was self conscious with how I looked and I remember thinking “am I ever going to feel like myself again?”

I was tired of restricting myself from foods I loved to enjoy and signing up running races in hopes that more miles would help me lose the weight…

Not to mention, with two little girls now I no longer had time to run miles on the weekends - and frankly, It didn't want to! 

It was then when I knew something had to change. I couldn’t keep thinking like this and feeling sorry when I couldn't get a run in. 

What I really wanted was to get stronger.

Not only that but I knew I wanted to be a strong role model for my girls.

That’s when I started getting even more educated on everything there is to know about women’s nutrition and strength training.

I spend hundreds of $$ going through courses, trainings, and getting even more certifications (some of which I am still working on!). At first, I did it for myself. 

But now, I’m so grateful that I went through all the restless nights so I can now help other women do the same. 

There’s so much misinformation out there telling women to eat salads for every meal, to jump on this diet to the next, and try these expensive supplements all for the sake of “burning fat”…

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help teach women that there IS a better way and that being strong and fueling your body is beautiful and this is exactly what you’ll learn from Fuel Your Body! 

One Time Payment



➡️ Learn and understand how nutrition and macros work so you can feel confident in knowing how to eat without restriction and still see results!

➡️ Learn how to focus your workouts intentionally so your time in the gym is getting you the lean and toned build you've been craving

➡️ Get my PROVEN fat loss strategies - the same ones that have helped my 1:1 clients see insane results without eating salads daily or doing cardio every morning

➡️ Learn my formula for building the body you love by nourishing your body properly

If you've been feeling lost in knowing what to do, constantly comparing yourself to others, or sick and tired of programs promising results but never actually working, this is ABSOLUTELY for you.



"This has been a game changer with regards to how I eat/that I actually eat, and am not constantly stressed about fluctuating weight as I mentioned even tho slow movements it tended to stick so I want to continue in some capacity long term"

"I have felt 0 guilt or anxiety about food because I've tracked everything. On the weekend we had my nieces bday party and I didn't know there was going to be pizza/food but I just had the pizza and went back to my normal day! Also had a Starbucks cake pop today because it made me happy. In the past I would have felt nervous about eating pizza or wanting the cake pop and not having it and talked myself out of it."

"I just did my 6wk measurements and I lost inches! (and a little weight too but that has never been indicative of how I look or fel) Following my macros/upping my carbs has really made me feel better too - thank you!đź‘Źđź‘Ź"



Ok, so what are you waiting for - ready to make magic happen?

It's day one or one day, your choice.

I'm ready when you are.